CAD Template for Residential Planning
Template is constantly updated to reflect an easier workflow and minimalist detailing as we work on more projects.
TEMPLATE VERSION - 1.0 | Date Updated - 17/09/22
Thank you for purchasing our CAD Template for Residential Planning. Please find the below instructions on using this template to create floor plan drawings.
- CAD file (.dwg)
- CTB file (.ctb)
- Sample Floor Plans (.pdf)
A-BEAMS & A-COLUMNS - These layers depict the structural aspects of your project. Columns are depicted with a solid hatch of 50% screening and overhead beams are depicted with dashed lines. The idea is to not let the structural aspects be a significant visual elements of your drawings but at the same time be apparently visible when needed.
A-DIM & A-TEXT - These are the dimension & text layers of your project which should give you control over their use and visibility.
A-ELE1, A-ELE3 & A-ELE3 - These are your line weight layers. They should be used to depict the distances of objects to the section plane.
A-FURN - This layer contains all your CAD blocks and furniture lines.
A-GRID - This layer is purely to depict your project gridlines.
A-HATCH - This layer contains all the hatches of your project which should give you control over their use and visibility.
A-PLUMBING - This is a services layer to help you overlay your plumbing lines with the rest of your project.
A-SECTION LINES - When you cut prepare sectional drawings for your project, this layer contains all your section cut lines on the floor plans.
A-LANDSCAPING - This layer contains all your landscaping details.
A-WALLS - This layer is the most visually impactful layer of your project as it depicts your wall outlines. Always make sure to have it's 'Draw Order' above all other layers.
A-COMMENTS - This is a collaboration layer used to mark out your comments for further reviews.
BOQ - This layer contains all your lines and hatches for BOQ purposes only.
NOPLOTS - This layer acts as your defpoints layer. The sole purpose for creating a seperate layer for this purpose is because the 'defpoints' layer is interlinked with the '0' layer and creates problems.
XREF - This layer contains all your external references only.
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